Comsol 5.3 tutorials
Comsol 5.3 tutorials

comsol 5.3 tutorials

For comparison, a plot from the default plot in COMSOL Multiphysics ® version 5.3 of the same model is shown. In this example, you can see brighter colors in the stress plot (RainbowLight color table), and plastic strain contours and contact pressure contours have been added by default. In the Fatigue interface, the Traffic color table is used for predicted cycles to failure and for usage factors.Applicable for the Nonlinear Structural Materials Module and the Geomechanics Module.When a material model like plasticity or creep is used, a contour plot of a relevant strain quantity, like the effective plastic strain, overlays the stress plot.The default Undeformed geometry plot, produced by the Shell interface, has new colors.The default plot for Stress Linearization now has a legend for the graphs.In contact analysis, a plot of the contact pressure is added, as either a line plot (2D) or contour plot (3D).This makes it possible to immediately distinguish between tension and compression, for example.The color table for section force plots in the Beam and Truss interfaces is Wave, with a symmetric color range.Mode shape plots have the legend switched off to emphasize that the amplitude of a mode does not have a physical meaning.The color table for mode shape plots, for eigenfrequency and linear buckling studies, is AuroraBorealis.The color table for von Mises stress plots is RainbowLight.Some of the more prominent changes that you will see are as follows: The Application Library tutorials have been updated accordingly. The default plots in the structural mechanics physics interfaces have been updated to produce more informative visualizations.

comsol 5.3 tutorials

Pressure distribution and pad profile in a thrust bearing.

Comsol 5.3 tutorials